Tag: testing

End-to-end Testing with Playwright using vanilla JavaScript

End-to-end Testing with Playwright using vanilla JavaScript

In this rapid guide, we’ll set up a basic end-to-end test using Playwright with vanilla JavaScript. We’ll create a simple test to verify the header of this blog, demonstrating the fundamental concepts of Playwright testing. Quick Setup: This guide focuses on getting you up and running with Playwright in under 15 minutes! Keep an eye out for future posts where we'll dive deeper into advanced t...

Mobile Web Testing Using Nightwatchjs Part 1 (iOS) 0

Mobile Web Testing Using Nightwatchjs Part 1 (iOS)

Nightwatch is a Node.js based framework that specializes in End-to-End (E2E) tests. The default repository includes steps for most desktop browsers and using the Selenium Server comes standard, but mobile requires custom modifications, complex config changes and further investigations. It also requires other libraries like Appium. Our goal is to build onto Nightwatch so current and future projec...

Mobile Web Testing Using Nightwatchjs Part 2 (Android) 0

Mobile Web Testing Using Nightwatchjs Part 2 (Android)

Welcome back! Let’s continue mobile web testing, this time on Android, using the same Nightwatch test script we used for iOS. Previously in Part 1, we tackled the basic set-up for Nightwatch and explained how it works along with its close relationship to the Selenium Server. We also shared an example to run on an iOS device by integrating Nightwatch into the Appium server. Prerequisites from Par...

NightWatchjs Part 2 (Getting Started)

NightWatchjs Part 2 (Getting Started)

NightWatchjs?The makers of NightWatch say: “Nightwatch.js is an automated testing framework for web applications and websites, written in Node.js and using the Selenium WebDriver API.” They also emphasize it being an E2E (end-to-end) solution. Their interpretation of E2E is “browser automation” and is sometimes interchangeably with System Testing among some teams, but that is not exactly correct...

NightWatchjs Part 1 (Why NightWatch?)

NightWatchjs Part 1 (Why NightWatch?)

NightWatch has become my go-to API into Selenium recently for E2E tests, so I figured why not blog about it. I am learning as I go so please feel free to tactfully question anything here you see that sounds inaccurate or worth deeper discussion. I plan to discuss the reason why I chose NightWatch and in following blogs I will discuss installation/set-up and deeper dives on various techniques ...